Terry, I appreciate that you're attempting to get people to think - but asking a loaded questions is NOT the way to do it.
"In terms of race, who are these people?" The only possible way to 'correctly' answer this question is to list a race. However, when we see rioting it is never done by a single race. The question cannot be answered in terms of race. It is an inadequate metric to address the situation. You can't use a tape measure to figure out the color of a wall. You can't use race to figure out what's causing the riots.
The same problem exists with your question about religion. While religion does cause a lot of strife - there is no destructive action that is unique to only one religion. While abortion clinic bombings are often committed by Christians - they are not ALWAYS committed by Christians. Suicide bombings in croweded market places are often committed my Muslims. But they are not ALWAYS committed by Muslims.